
Showing posts from January, 2020


Subscribe QATAR UPDA/MMUP ENGINEERS REGISTRATION PROCESS UPDA MMUP EXAM Overall REVIEW Why UPDA EXAM? UPDA EXAM ELGIBLITY&REQUIREMENTS UPDA FAQ UPDA Stands for Urban Planning and Development Authority and it comes Under MMUP (Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning) currently named as MME (Ministry of Municipality and Environment). What is Real Moto of UPDA /MMUP in Engineer’s Registration Process? The overall development is our primary aim To achieve progress and prosperity of our country and people In support to the statement of His Highness and to achieve this aim, His Highness the Emir, Sheikh. Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani - May God protect him, issued the law No. (19) for the year 2005 to arrange the practice of engineering professions regarding the establishment of the Committee to accept the engineers and engineering consultancy offices, which is so important event in the serious efforts and aspirations of the State of Qatar in building a modern state that having p...