• Why UPDA EXAM?

UPDA Stands for Urban Planning and Development Authority and it comes Under MMUP (Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning) currently named as MME (Ministry of Municipality and Environment).

What is Real Moto of UPDA /MMUP in Engineer’s Registration Process?

The overall development is our primary aim

To achieve progress and prosperity of our country and people

In support to the statement of His Highness and to achieve this aim, His Highness the Emir, Sheikh. Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani - May God protect him, issued the law No. (19) for the year 2005 to arrange the practice of engineering professions regarding the establishment of the Committee to accept the engineers and engineering consultancy offices, which is so important event in the serious efforts and aspirations of the State of Qatar in building a modern state that having plans, objectives and terms to ensure the highest rate of progress and urban development.

  • Anyone could work as an engineer without proof of competency. To protect the public health, safety, and welfare, the first engineering licensure LAW NO. (19) IN 2005 REGULATING THE PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING PROFESSIONS was enacted in 2005 in Qatar.
  • Now Qatar regulates the practice of engineering to ensure public safety by granting only Professional Engineers the authority to sign and seal engineering plans and offer their services to the public.
  • For Law No. (19) Year 2005 For Regularizing the Practice of Engineering Professions in the State of Qatar explains the overall law and the grades you would acquire based on your experience and education.

The following Registers are being created in the committee:

1- Register of Engineers.
2- Register of local engineering consultancy offices.
3- Register of global engineering consultancy offices.

His Excellency the Minister of Municipality and Urban Planning, he may create sub records for these records according to a suggestion of the Committee,a decision of his Excellency the Minister can be issued in the forms and the registration system of these records according to a proposal of the Commission.

The conditions for registration in the Registry of Engineers:

1 - Must be a Qatari citizen or resident in the State.
2 - Must have a bachelor's degree in engineering or equivalent from auniversity or institute .
3 - Be in possession of full civil capacity.
4 - Must have good track record and reputation, must be never convicted of a felony or sentenced to prison for an offence involving moral turpitude or dishonesty, what he has been rehabilitated.
5 - To pass the tests of the technical capabilities in the field of specialization, according to the conditions and controls established by a decision on the recommendation of the Committee



  1. A) Preliminary Requirements

# Bachelor Engineering Degree

# Qatar Valid Id

*** Need to open Hukoomi Account with the above details with your Qatar Mobile Number. For new account, we need to go and collect PIN Number in Qatar post directly now days***

To Open Hukoomi Account

  1. Open the following website (or search hukoomi-Qatar in Google)


  1. Click ‘Register’ it will prompt to ENTER your qatar ID number and mobile number to open the account.
  2. The website will verify your mobile number with qatar ID and if it is OK you can open the account.

This Hukoomi account can be utilized for other government services also.

  1. B) Check List

# University - Check your University whether it is already listed in MME List of Approved Universities,

# If not Listed - Need to do Some Paper Works

  1. C) Requirements (Mandatory)

# Degree Certificate (Should be Attested from Home Country and Qatar)

# Consolidated Mark sheet /Overall Marksheet - Need to produce Each Semester attested Mark sheets, if you don’t have Consolidated Mark sheets

# PCC (Police Clearance Certificate)


# Current Working Company Details as per your Qatar ID

Attestation requirements:

All Certificates must be attested by competent Authorities in Home Country and by MOFA in Qatar (Ministry of foreign affairs)

** Need to Produce Bonafide letter from your College/ university with Attestation from Home Country and MOFA

  1. D) Experience Certificate:
  2. a) Experience Within Qatar (Submit Experience Certificates with attestation prior to year 2014, MMUP is not considering experience certificates after 2014 if you are living without Engineer registration)
  3. b) Previous experience certificate (Outside Qatar) shall be attested from relevant authorities of respective countries and finally to be attested by ministry of foreign affairs-Qatar.
  4. c) Previous experience from Qatar (if you were worked in Qatar for more than one company) shall be attested from Chamber of commerce - Qatar and finally to be attested by ministry of foreign affairs – Qatar.
  5. b) Rest of Qatar Experience is Considerable if it is Attested.
  6. c) For Current Company Employee ID Number is sufficient.
  7. d) Course Completion Certificates such as PMP, REVIT, PRIMAVERA, NFPA,NEBOSH shall be submitted as additional supporting documents
  8. E) To obtain Qatar Police/CID clearance

Three documents required to obtain Qatar PCC.

  1. Police clearance from home country.

First obtain police clearance from home country ( Indian nationalities can be obtained through Indian embassy/ICC qatar (evening time) and other nationalities check with their respective embassies for the procedure).

Home country police clearance certificate shall be attested by Ministry of foreign affairs-Qatar.

  1. Request letter to Qatar CID/Police.

Then login to www.baladiya.gov.qa website using above hukoomi account. In baladiya website click Arabic or English language option

You can find Engineer registration option.

There you will find an option to generate a letter request to CID to obtain Qatar police clearance (which means for what purpose you need Qatar PCC). Print that generated letter. The generated letter will be in arabic.

  1. Application form for Qatar PCC.

Then go to Qatar CID police office at salwa road.

There is an application form available for applying PCC. In that application both English and Arabic option is there. Just check with them which language to be used for filling the data’s. Fill that application and submit along with your generated request letter, attested Home country PCC and your photo.

They will inform you to come after seven days to issue Qatar PCC.

Note-1: If you had taken Qatar PCC earlier for other purpose but the date is expired then you may obtain new Qatar PCC using the old one at Qatar CID office-Salwa road. Just check with them before submission.

Note-2 : Take your Qatar ID original and photo copy, Passport copy and Photograph.

  1. F) Special / Peculiar Requirements - If University is not listed
  2. You can apply for exam as usual, while submission, in university column you may choose some other listed universities from your countries listed.
  3. In MMUP review process, they will reject your application and initiate the process for adding your university. You will get letter from MMUP office to Qatar Higher Education after rejection of your application. Then Higher education will contact your university and upon receiving confirmation from your university, they may add on in their list of approved universities. Sometimes, you may get letter from UPDA office without some other university selection Process, but mostly they will be assisting upon selecting some other universities in the above submission process… so better go-ahead with that.
  4. Every Thursday, MMUP Office is handling these issues with Engineers through consultations.
  5. Qatar Higher Education shall be requesting documents relevant with your university like Mark sheets for their further process
  6. G) Document Formats (soft copy) for uploading

Make the documents in following formats after completes the above procedure mentioned.

  1. Engineering degree (PDF-But front side and attested pages should be in single file. Which means in PDF file first page should be your degree and second page should be attested page)
  2. Work experience certificate and training certificate (PDF- same as above)
  3. Qatar PCC (PDF)
  4. Qatar ID (JPEG - Front and back in single file)
  5. Photo (JPEG)
  6. Passport (PDF-Including stamped page (if applicable) in single file)
  7. Curriculum vitae (PDF-All pages in single file)

Note: Give name to each file. Like Engineering degree, Experience 1, Experience 2 etc. Don’t put serial number at front.

  1. H) Document Uploading Procedure
  2. Again login to www.baladiya.gov.qawebsite using above hukoomi User ID and password. Click English or Arabic language. Then select Engineers & Engineering committee option.
  3. Click ‘New engineer registration’ option. Then an uploading page will open which will automatically guide you for stage by stage uploading. At each stage you have to upload the relevant documents.
  4. First you have to feed your personal data’s.
  5. Second Educational qualifications then experience etc.
  6. Finally it will ask any other documents. In that you have to upload balance documents like curriculum vitae, passport copy etc.
  7. After click the final confirmation it will generate three pages with all data’s you feed with registration number. Print these three pages and keep it with you.
  8. Affix your photo in the generated page and sign in relevant locations.
  9. In month you will receive a SMS (with date to submit the documents ) from baladiya to submit all original documents.
  10. Go to baladiya office ground floor (Opposite of city center) on the date mentioned and take your queue token from Engineer registration option in the token machine and wait for your turn.
  11. Then submit your all original documents including documents generated after uploading in a folder type file and ask what next. They will tell you any moment you will receive a SMS for exam date if everything is OK.
  12. Mostly you will receive SMS within a Month but generally they will send SMS/CALL day before exam.
  13. I) UPDA MMUP Exam
  14. The exam will be conducted in same Baladiya office at 9th floor.
  15. Enter the baladiya office 30 min before exam time and be calm and cool.


* Computer based one-hour exam.

* 25 or 27 objective questions(each question has 4 or 5 options answers) are displaying, need to get thirteen (13) right answers.

* Each right answer calculated as four marks.

* Every applicant can avail exam four chances until get your license.

* Those who are all availing the first exam can supposed to know the result immediately

* Can access the system calculator if needed

* Could not find or customize the UPDA syllabus for this exam. Kindly find the expected syllabus from our overall collective information’s from the participants who got license from UPDA/MMUP/MME.




* TRAINEE (0 to 5 Years’ Experience), “C” Grade (5 to 7 Years’ Experience), “B” Grade (7 and above Years’ Experience), “A” Grade (10 and above Years’ Experience)


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