"Re-apply procedure"

Log on to MMUP/MME website using our Hokoomi account. MME Log In Arabic Hukomi Log in Step 2 After logging on your MMUP/MME account, you will be directed to the Arabic site. If you are on English site click on “AR” initials on the website header (near the globe). Click on the “hard hat” as shown. 1 Step 3 You will see the next page as shown below. Click on the last option. 2 Step 4 After step 2, you will see the next page as shown below. Click the highlighted option. 3 Step 5 On to the next page, click the marked option. 4 Step 6 On to the next page, click the marked option. 5 Step 7 Then you will be directed to this page where you can choose which appeal you would want to apply for. First option is for those who fail the exam, 2nd is category or grade, 3rd is specialization and last is others. If you are appealing for upgrading, choose the 2nd option…After choosing the option, you can upload any supporting documents you have like certificates, IDs etc. Then on the box below, copy and paste your appeal letter. Prepare your letter first in English. Then translate to arabic using google. You can do it by paragraph. Do it yourself first then have it finalized by your arabic translator. Once finalized, just copy and paste to the box. 6 In Step 7 the choices and a bit of explanation are as follows: Fail Exam – this is to reapply for another exam if you fail a recent examination Category – this is to appeal for change of category or grade. This is when you are given a Trainee or grade C but you deserve a grade B or A. Specialization – this is very seldom used but in-case you are given Electrical Engineer certificate but you are a Civil Engineer. Others – Other issues that is not covered above. From here on you should have your Arabic PRO or Colleague with you as you need to prepare statement in Arabic. Step 8 After clicking submit in step 6, you should see this page confirming that your appeal has been registered and appeal request number will be shown. I suggest you print this page for your future reference another option is screen capture (Ctrl+PrtScn). 7 Step 9 Wait for the text message informing you of the schedule of interview. Step 10 Goodluck! I believe MMUP/MME are exerting their efforts to have this in other languages also. The Application and renewal already have an English version. Hopefully the English version for the appeal should be out soon. Other valuable pointers, information and need to know regarding the MMUP/MME appeal provided by PICE Qatar Engineers below; 891011 Again, please note that this process might changed by MMUP/MME anytime including the website and it appearance. This is for guidance only and any issues you might encounter following these steps is at your own. I including PICE, PICE Qatar and other persons names shown in this blog therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message which arise including any negative impact on your application. Anyone can re-blog this and share. If you have other information that could help our colleagues please put it in the comment below.

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